Green Bay Austin Strauble International Airport Taxiway and Apron Rehabilitation project
Wisconsin Department of Transportation Bureau of Aeronautics / Green Bay

Date Completed:
February 2025
Concrete Pavement, Earthwork & Grading
Design Engineer:
Mead & Hunt
Award Won:
Project Summary:
The airfield pavements on this project were beyond their useful life, and the failing joints and pavement popouts were causing foreign object debris (FOD) creating an unsafe environment for aircraft. To improve safety, the project removed the old pavement and replaced it with new concrete pavement.
Contract Amount:
About the Project
This project was complex and challenging, but the construction team overcame these difficulties.
There were varying underlying pavement sections that made pavement removal and rehabilitation challenging. Additionally, to alleviate air traffic congestion as much as possible, the project was phased to close a maximum of two taxiways at once. Despite this phasing, construction traffic still had to navigate amongst the taxiing aircraft and share the apron space to reach the work areas. Construction vehicles successfully passed through the sensitive areas over 12,000 times during the five months of construction, and there were zero incidents or incursions